Saturday, September 15, 2007

Camp Iwannagohome

Yesterday we went to Sachsenhausen. For those of you who don't know the name, it was the first concentration camp to be constructed by the Nazis, in March 1933. It was an hour long train ride to get there, but I don't think that it was time wasted.

When we got there, the sky was cloudy and gray; appropriate for the subject matter. I'm not going to give you the Virtual Tour, but needless to say, studying this history versus actually being there are two completely different things. I walked around alone, mostly, which I think was for the best. Being at the camp didn't have me in the most talkative of moods. I couldn't bring myself to go inside the infirmary barracks, either. I may have even cried, if you can believe that.

There's not too much to say about what transpired at the camp, I think, so I'll leave it at that.

Afterwards, I thought about heading to get that picture of Flava Flave, but it was too far out of the way. Tonight, I'm going to the concert of a band I don't know the name of, butit has been described to me as a "Rock-pop-sort of thing." It'll probably be a good time, regardless.
I'm mostly over my cold now, too.

See you later.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

CampIwannagohome sounds just like it was - I know it's history and will live in infamy, but I'm sure you could have done without it. I'm sure they are trying to tell you all about the history, but that would put me in a gloomy mood, also.

Glad you went to a concert afterwards. Hope that helped your mood. Nothing new here. Raining today, as a matter of fact, and both your parents and Paula were to have garage sales today. don't know what the weather is in Boston, but it is icky here.

Glad your cold is better. Just stay well, and enjoy! Love, Grandma