Tuesday, October 2, 2007

To Luckau and Beyond

The pictures aren't going to get uploaded fully until next week sometime, I expect. I have very very little time right now. Sorry about that.

Tomorrow is German Unification Day, celebrating the end of the divided state. Basically everything is closed, including classes. I however have signed up for a trip to Luckau, a village south of Berlin. Most of the people on the trip are going there for class, so they might be somewhat bitter about missing the festivities (we don;t get back until. I think it will be pretty interesting, though. Besides, if I skip out off doing some homework I can still go to some of the events. Win-Win, right?

Thursday, I'm going to Prague for the weekend with some other people, so there's hardly any time to rest as you can see. I'm coming back from that late Sunday/Early Monday.

Today I signed up for a gym, McFit. The program has a special deal with McFit, where we get a discount, and can sign up monthly instead of yearly. All I have to do is file a bank invoice and then I can exercise every week. They even have multiple gyms across the city, for added convenience.

It's almost 9, and I haven't done a bit of homework tonight. I have a short presentation due in my German class next week, and I have barely any idea how to work it out. Midterms are in two weeks, if you can believe that. My October break is coming up right after that, and I have no idea where I want to go, and who I want to go with.

I'm tired. Good night.

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